Unveiling the Magic: Transforming a Nine Patch into a Disappearing Nine Patch

basics blocks guides how-to quilting tutorial May 12, 2024

Hey there, it's Rachel from Journey Back Quilts, and today, we're taking our quilting journey back to the basics. Remember that nine patch block we created in our last lesson? Well, get ready to witness its transformation as we delve into the enchanting world of disappearing nine patch blocks.

Turning a simple nine patch into a disappearing nine patch is like unlocking a secret door to a world of endless possibilities. So let's dive in and discover the magic together.

Before we begin, ensure you have your trusty nine patch block ready. If you haven't made one yet, no worries! Just head back to our previous lesson where we crafted this foundational block. Once you're all caught up, we can proceed to make it disappear.

The Disappearing Act
Are you ready to witness the magic? Ta-da! Just kidding. In the quilting realm, "disappearing" simply means we're going to cut our nine patch block and rotate the pieces around. Simple, right? Let's break it down.

Cutting and Rotation
Our nine patch block measures a cozy 14 inches square, crafted from five-inch charm packs. With our trusty rotary cutter and ruler, we'll slice our block in half, both vertically and horizontally. Now, behold as our single block transforms into four distinct pieces. But the real magic happens when we rotate two of these pieces. Watch closely as the pattern begins to shift before your eyes.

Sewing it Together
With our rotated pieces in hand, it's time to bring them back together. Head over to your sewing machine as we stitch these pieces into a new configuration—a miniature four patch. It's amazing how a simple twist can breathe new life into our quilt block.

Pressing and Finishing Touches
Once our pieces are sewn together, it's time to press our seams. By ironing in opposite directions, we ensure that our seams nest neatly in the center, creating a delightful pinwheel effect. With a few final presses, our block is crisp and ready for its next adventure.

And there you have it—a disappearing nine patch block! Imagine the possibilities that await as you create a dozen of these blocks and piece them together into a stunning quilt. I hope you enjoyed this journey into the world of disappearing blocks. If you're hungry for more quilting adventures, don't forget to join our quilting society, where you'll find a treasure trove of tutorials to fuel your creative endeavors.

Join me next week as we embark on our next quilting escapade: Jacob's ladder. Until then, happy quilting, my friends. The journey continues, one stitch at a time.

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